JT Thorpe Company Successor Trust


MFR EFA required. If you have already filed an MFR EFA, please contact us to add JT Thorpe to your account.

Please note that hard copy of release MUST be sent to MFR Claims Processing

Claims may be submitted electronically either via email or CD. Email submissions should be sent to thorpeinquiries@mfrclaims.com. submissions should include claims form and appropriate documents in separate PDF for each claimant.

Please select from the following links:

Electronic Submission Files:

Bulk Upload Files (11/9/17: Please note these files have changed from .xls to .xlsx)

  • Electronic Claim File (File to be populated with the claimant data. Please note that this file must remain in excel and the column order must be preserved.)
  • Electronic Claim File - Fields Descriptions (the description of the data to include in the excel file. Please refer to the VALUES column for details of the data type as well as the required values.)
  • Electronic Exposure File (File to be populated with the exposure data. Please note that this file must remain in excel and the column order must be preserved.)
  • Electronic Exposure File - Fields Descriptions (the description of the data to include in the excel file. Please refer to the VALUES column for details of the data type as well as the required values.)
  • Supporting Documentation – Please review instructions page after logging into website for attaching document to claims.